Friday 27 February 2009

Power of Hope and Love - The Slumdog Millionaire

As a slum kid is only a question away from winning a grand prize of 20 millions rupees, the question that struck on everyone's mind is: How did he do it? Is it by means of cheating? Or is it the work of lady fortune? Or is it because this uneducated chap is a born-genius? Or is it because it written in the stars?

Coming from the worst slum in India, Jamal Malik is not the likeliest candidate to be sitting in the last stage of one of the world's highly successful TV show - Who wants to be a millionaire. Conspiracy. Cheating. That seemed to be the consensus that most people had in mind.

After hours of interrogation and series of brutal treatment and tortures, one thing emerges as a new certainty. It seems that, hard as it is to accept, but the unlikeliest
journey on the planet seems to be genuine after all. More intriguing is the fact that, behind every answer to every question lies a painful truth, the dark side of slums that is common in many parts of India.

But how on earth did Jamal Malik end up in the variety show? Pain. Anguish. Hope to recover the love that had long seemed lost. Audacity. Perseverance. Refusal to surrender to fate. Faith in own-written destiny.
These are the ingredients behind his quest for this improbable journey.

This is a yet but entertaining drama. There are many inspiring lessons that for those who are going through failures in life can learn from. Just what is the answer to the question posed at the beginning? Conspiracy? Sheer luck? Genius? Or Destiny? Find out the answer as you traverse the other facets of life and discover things that you never thought possible.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Life is short, treasure it

Life is like a book made up of many chapters in it.

Do not dwell over a chapter for too long, for there are many more that are yet to unfold.

Ups and downs, uncertainty and unpredictability in life are essential ingredients that will make the book interesting. Get up and move on.

Life is short. Only you can determine when the new chapter is going to begin.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Happiness in Life - 1... 2... 3...

In our pursuit for higher knowledge, scientific discovery and truth around us, we must remember the noble purpose behind such pursuit. We must constantly remind ourselves the importance to keep a balance between knowledge and wisdom. LOVE should be our source of motivation for such pursuit. Matched with LOVE, possession of Knowledge is acquired for the benefits of humanity. Matched with LOVE, discovery of scientific advancement and innovation is made for the betterment of others. Matched with LOVE, truth discovery is for helping the world around us.

This is a timely reminder for many of us. The global financial meltdown has affected millions. Scandals of unimaginable magnitudes are revealed one after another. The actors behind the current economic catastrophe are - the cream of the crop - scholars with intellectual capability that surpassed the average persons. This is a tipping point. A point where humanity is at its worst. Possession of Knowledge that is driven by sheer greed and selfishness. Let this be a lesson to all of us.

By practicing 1.. 2.. 3.., together we can bring out the other side of humanity.

LLY. A simple but yet powerful mantra. Just remember 1... 2... 3... Practice them in our daily life. Bright future awaits you.

What practicing 1.. 2.. 3.. means that we take lesson from Mother Nature. It is what it is. Plain. Unhidden. Genuine. Unpretentious. Lead an ordinary live. What is the point of splurging on excessive materialistic possessions? At the end of the day, when everything is striped away from us. What is left of us? Nothing. Except our worthiness as a child of our Creator, the true beauty of mankind.

Radiating true beauty of mankind is what we should strive for.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Weathering the Economic Storm

I remember it was June 2008. The global financial market was charging at full-throttle speed. Global economic outlook appears rosy across all sectors. From banking to tourism. From manufacturing to IT. Influx of foreign talents streaming in to Singapore. Property prices soar to historic high. Prices of goods - from food to clothings, from basic staples to luxury items - continue to climb.

Economic projections were all nothing but rosy. Economists and companies are predicting record profits, record surpluses and record growths. These pictures still remain vivid in our mind. As if they were just yesterday.

All of a sudden, reports surfaced that the Wall Street financial giants are facing credit crisis. Financial empires with the likes of Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Citibank etc crumble one after another. The economic tsunami has arrived. In just one night, billions of dollars are swept away. Millions of ordinary people are losing their investments and forced to give up their homes.

Things happened with such extraordinary pace and magnitude. Everyone is clueless and not knowing what actually had hit them. Panic and fear of the uncertainty consumed everyone's mind.

The rosy pictures and projections are all gone. Suddenly, everyone is talking about the worst financial crisis in the history of mankind. Instead of record profits, companies are now talking about record losses. Instead of record surplus, countries are now talking about record deficits. Instead of record growth, companies are now talking about record retrenchments and layoffs.

There is only ONE thing for sure - nobody has expected this and nobody has any idea of where things are heading. No economic experts dare to say for certain when things would get better or at least when things would stabilize. Governments across the globe are frantically doing everything in their capacity just to halt the down ride.

While no one is able to offer any concrete theory on what brings us to this state and at which point things actually gone wrong, there is one thing we can say for certain.


One after another, banks and financial companies are pleading for government support, begging to get a slice of the public money. They are cashing on the fear of the people - claiming that if no money is injected, all these giant institutions are on the brink of collapse.

YET... top executives of these institutions are walking away with hefty bonuses - in record amounts. Even when people are fearing to lose their jobs, homes or even the next meal for many, these executives spend lavishly - millions and millions of taxpayers' money - for personal holidays, enjoyments or luxury decorations of their offices. It was exactly these extraordinary intellectually-gifted executives who brought us to this mess - their irresponsible act to win at all cost, compromising all ethic values to feed their insatiable hunger for power and wealth.

What has happened to humanity? Where have we put our conscience? How did we end up like this? Where is the value of morality? Where is our compassion for people around us? Look at what we have done to ourselves. This is the result when greed triumphs over generosity, selfishness triumphs over common good, materialistic insanity triumphs over gracious living.

Let us be very clear that we, human is the root cause of this epic economic and most major environmental catastrophe.

As we mark the passing of one year to the other, let us understand that time waits for no man. Every single day, single hour, single minute and single second passed is another opportunity gone. We cannot turn back time.

Though we are in no position to change where we come from, we can chart our future. Destiny is not written for us, but it is written by us. Think about what we want to leave behind for our future generations.

We can decide to change our course NOW. We can stop polluting the earth and destroying millions of lives. At least, that's the least we can all play a part. Let us go back to our conscience. We can start caring for others - at least people around us - our closest friends, families and relatives. Let us revive the angelic side of humanity. Let us LOVE, PROTECT and GLORIFY all lives. Let us be thankful for each passing day, for every breath that we take. Let us be thankful and be content for what we have and what we do not have. For the true beauty of mankind is not defined by how much we have, nor does it defined by the size of our house, nor does it defined by the cars that we drive, nor does it defined by the number of credit cards we own, nor does it defined by how much zeros we have in our bank ba

The true beauty of mankind lies within everyone us and not outside of us. The true beauty of mankind does not discriminate the rich from the poor, the able from the disable, the beauty from the ugly, the old from the young. We are all created equal. Within everyone of us resides the same conscience - the ability to love and to care for one another.

This day, let us make a promise to ourselves. As we enter a period of uncertainty, we can still live each day happily. The key is to live a modest life, be thankful for every meal that we can still afford - for there are many who are dying of hunger, be caring to people around us - for happiness is in giving instead of receiving. Let our conscience be the candle that brightens the darkness of people around us.

Let us start putting 1.. 2.. 3.. essentials of life into practice. 1. LOVE - Live each day with a loving heart. Love your parents, love your families, love your friends, love your enemies. 2. Conscience living - Live each passing day as according to our conscience. Let our conscience speaks in all our actions and undertaking - for ITS voice has been drowned for far too long. 3. Live Naturally - Let us lead a simpe but gracious life. Let us learn from Nature - we shall give without expecting anything in return, and no discrimination in our giving. We shall help others with sincere intention, not for some ill-agenda or for personal benefits. Remember 1. LOVE 2. CONSCIENCE 3. LIVE NATURALLY

Let us welcome the times ahead with a renewed sense of hope, optimism and rejoice. Let us turn to God (our faith) for the serenity to accept the things that we cannot change and the courage to change the things that we can. Let us pray for our families. Let us pray that everyone will live to care for one another. Let us pray for our parents. May they be blessed with good health. Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters - even those who are not with us today - and people around us. Let us pray that we are blessed with good health and good fortunes - and that we continue to serve and help propagate the spirit of compassion to the world. Let us pray that everyone will make continuous progression in terms of - career, business and self-discovery. Let us pray for the world leaders - that they are given the wisdom and strength to lead the world through this trying time.