Wednesday 25 June 2008

The Benefits of Failures

It is easy to find quotes, references and speeches about success. But there are not many about failure.

Recently, J.K. Rowling, the author of one of this planet's best selling title of all time - Harry Potter, delivered a commencement speech at Harvard Graduation. Miss Rowling delivered two key messages in her speech, and one of them is 'The benefits of failure'.

While failure is undeniably a dark moment for all of us, there are many lessons that she learned from it.
Lesson 1: Failure helps to strip away the inessential. It is during this most painful moment in life that she discovered her true-self and learned to focus all her energy towards her goal.
Lesson 2: Failure helps to discover true friends.

If you are looking for an inspiration and motivation to get yourself out of the dark tunnel, watch this video and you will feel better.

Monday 23 June 2008

Failure of a First Time Entrepreneur

As first-time entrepreneurs, we all know that the path that we are treading has no guarantee of success. There are many reasons that motivate Entrepreneurs. Some are fuelled by our passion and we believe that by sticking to our idealism, we can make a difference to the life of others. Some see it as a personal challenge to achieve our childhood dreams. Of course, there are those who are motivated to attain financial freedom and the worse kind of entrepreneurs are those that see money as their only motivation.

Whatever it is, for you to be reading this blog, you must have encountered some setbacks or failures in your entrepreneurship journey. In worst case situation, some of us might have to shut down the entire business operation. But the good news is, you are not alone. Today, there are many great successful people out there who probably had gone through similar experiences as you.

As we set our goals and ambitions high and noble, we must not forget that we have to be prepared to take on failures and move on. A lot of people like to talk about success, but not failure. It's similar in life, people like to talk about the pleasures in life and death is viewed as a taboo. But truly, for one to appreciate life, we have got to first appreciate death.

Whether we love it or hate it, failure is part and puzzle of life. Without which, life would be a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. Let's face failure positively and you will find that there are a lot to learn from our mistakes.

I have collected some quotes and references from many great people / entrepreneur out there who have probably made more mistakes than we do.

Positive Quotes on Failures:

The way to succeed is to double your error rate
Thomas J. Watson - Founder and Former CEO of IBM

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work
Thomas A. Edison - Inventor

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up
Thomas A. Edison - Inventor

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time
Thomas A. Edison - Inventor

A failure is a man who has blundered but is not capable of cashing in on the experience
Elbert Hubbard - Writer, Artist, Philosopher

It is on our failures that we base a new and different and better success
Henry Havelock Ellis - Sexologist, Physician, Social Reformer

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes
Oscar Wilde - Playwright, Novelist, Poet

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly
Robert F. Kennedy - Politician

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm
Winston Churchill - Politician

Even if you haven’t encountered great success yet, there is no reason you can’t bluff a little and act like you have. Confidence is a magnet in the best sense of the word. It will draw people to you and make your daily life.. and theirs.. a lot more pleasant
Donald Trump - One of World's Richest Man

I've learned that mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success
Jack Welch - General Electric Ex-Chairman

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall
Confucius - Philosopher

Men succeed when they realize that their failures are the preparation for their victories
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Philosopher

History has demonstrated that the most notable winners encountered heart breaking obstacles before they triumphed. They finally won by their defeats
B. C. Forbes - Journalist & Founder of Forbes Magazine

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure
Colin Powell - Politician

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Humble Introduction to Oasis of Life

Everyone of us faces failures at some point in our life. If life is all about success, how dull it will be.

But let's be honest. It is never easy to come to terms with failures, otherwise, it will not be called failing at all. And at such low point in our lives, we need motivations and encouragement, be it from our buddy, close relatives or maybe, people who have been in your shoes before.

This website is dedicated to everyone out there who is going through the 'downs' in life. This serves as a reminder that success is a journey and not a destination. It is how we look at our failures, learn from it and use it to propel ourselves to a greater heights.

Happy reading and hope that you will feel better soon...