Wednesday 25 June 2008

The Benefits of Failures

It is easy to find quotes, references and speeches about success. But there are not many about failure.

Recently, J.K. Rowling, the author of one of this planet's best selling title of all time - Harry Potter, delivered a commencement speech at Harvard Graduation. Miss Rowling delivered two key messages in her speech, and one of them is 'The benefits of failure'.

While failure is undeniably a dark moment for all of us, there are many lessons that she learned from it.
Lesson 1: Failure helps to strip away the inessential. It is during this most painful moment in life that she discovered her true-self and learned to focus all her energy towards her goal.
Lesson 2: Failure helps to discover true friends.

If you are looking for an inspiration and motivation to get yourself out of the dark tunnel, watch this video and you will feel better.

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